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inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... Paul Luna , ' Picture This : How Illustrations Define Dictionaries ' , in Typography Papers 9 ( London : Hyphen ... In author's possession . 28 For Hart's Rules see HOUP vol . II , 208–10 and vol . III , 32-3 . 29 Susan le Roux ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... In author indexes of the anthologies, the sons and daughters of artisans mingle with noblewomen, courtesans ... IV) and Fra Michele Ghislieri (later Pope Pius V), then commissioner general of the Roman Inquisition, called on the ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... Pope Pius IV , on behalf Duke of Ferrara , requesting the Pope to settle Bologna- Ferrara affair . Seal removed ... in author's hand : laid in is un- titled poem of 43 lines , 3Pp . , 4to . ) . HI ( 166 ) $ 60.00 . -MS . of ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... Pope Pius IV restored the Aqua Virgo and this conduit , known now as the Aqua Vergine , has continued since that ... in Author meters 1559 Pius IV 20.546 155.271 1587 Sixtus V 32.593 21,633 161 Paul V. 51.852 80.870 1870 Societa ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... IV . C SOUTHEY'S DOCTOR , & c . ' VII . Edited by the Rev. J. W. WARTER . Post 8vo . 148 . Vol . Mr. C. L. ... Pope Pius IX . , the Emperor Leopold , and Manzoni . X. FIVE YEARS in CHINA , from 1842 to 1847. With an ACCOUNT of the ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... Paul Iv ( 1476-1559 , Pope 1555-9 ) , if granted the authority to command Catholics to separate from the national church of England , had then also the authority to command rebellion against Elizabeth ( whom the Pope did not acknowledge ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... Pope Pius IX . , the Emperor Leopold , and Manzon . x . FIVE YEARS in CHINA , from 1842 to 1847. With an ACCOUNT of ... IV . SOUTHEY'S DOCTOR , & c . ' Vol . VII . Edited by the Rev. J. W. WARTER . Post 8vo . 118 . 7 . Mr. C. L. ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... in- Author himself . 3512 . " the Bibliotbeca 192. verfe tercidiffe , quod ne eveniffet magnopere verebar , cum ... Pope Paul IV named him Coadjutor to the Patriarch Grimani ( b ) . He was one of the Fathers of the Council of Trent ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... Paul, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii); balloon ride, (i); death of, (i); RW as secretary, (i); scandalized, (i); trouble with Walsers, (i) Cassirer, Suzanne Aimée, (i) “Cat Theater,” (i) Cézanne, Paul, (i) Chamber Music ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... in author- ity . ' When the prayer is prescribed , do they not do this as a matter of course ? First of all ... iv . 5 , of this epistle . The verb , however ( Evryzavw ) , occurs in Acts xxv . 4. Rom . viii . 27. 34 ; xi . 2 ...