inauthor: Theodore Whitefield Hunt von
Theodore Whitefield Hunt. ficient answer : that , rightly viewed , there is and can be no valid conflict between ... in author- ship , of literary sanity and symmetry , to strike the " note of dignity " as a writer , and , yet , to ...
inauthor: Theodore Whitefield Hunt von
Theodore Whitefield Hunt. every man of common discernment and to that ever - widening world of artistic beauty ... in author-. ship. : a. study. of. diction. and. structure. : of. qualities. and processes : of accuracy of touch on the part ...
inauthor: Theodore Whitefield Hunt von
Theodore Whitefield Hunt. cision in the adoption and use of terms is peculiarly the characteristic of Johnson's ... in author and reader . There is the clearness of brevity and , also , of circum- locution . The former Johnson does ...
inauthor: Theodore Whitefield Hunt von
Eine Brücke zwischen den Welten Jodahs ist ein Konstruierter, halb Mensch, halb Oankali.
inauthor: Theodore Whitefield Hunt von
Tania Blixen hat ein ebenso spannendes wie geistreiches Abenteuerbuch einer mutigen, beherzten Frau geschrieben - teils Autobiographie teils Fiktion.