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inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... Pope Pius IV , on behalf Duke of Ferrara , requesting the Pope to settle Bologna- Ferrara affair . Seal removed ... in author's hand : laid in is un- titled poem of 43 lines , 3Pp . , 4to . ) . HI ( 166 ) $ 60.00 . -MS . of ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... Pope Pius IV restored the Aqua Virgo and this conduit , known now as the Aqua Vergine , has continued since that ... in Author meters 1559 Pius IV 20.546 155.271 1587 Sixtus V 32.593 21,633 161 Paul V. 51.852 80.870 1870 Societa ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... IV . C SOUTHEY'S DOCTOR , & c . ' VII . Edited by the Rev. J. W. WARTER . Post 8vo . 148 . Vol . Mr. C. L. ... Pope Pius IX . , the Emperor Leopold , and Manzoni . X. FIVE YEARS in CHINA , from 1842 to 1847. With an ACCOUNT of the ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... OF LOUIS EUSTACHE UDE . RASER'S FR MAGAZINE For JUNE . - Price 2s . 6d . Contents : On the Present Condition of ... IV . Saturday - On the Doctrine of Free Trade - Lays of the Twaddle School . No. III . - A Classic Chant between ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... in- Author himself . 3512 . " the Bibliotbeca 192. verfe tercidiffe , quod ne eveniffet magnopere verebar , cum ... Pope Paul IV named him Coadjutor to the Patriarch Grimani ( b ) . He was one of the Fathers of the Council of Trent ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... in author- ity . ' When the prayer is prescribed , do they not do this as a matter of course ? First of all ... iv . 5 , of this epistle . The verb , however ( Evryzavw ) , occurs in Acts xxv . 4. Rom . viii . 27. 34 ; xi . 2 ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... of their nclosing The Ell County , ements Scotch- me into In 1900 , tion of ... IV . , original MS . , signed , 1001. Marryat , Settlers in Canada , original MS . , 150l . Trollope , North America , original MS . , 120l . Hepworth Dixon , ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... iv . 5 , of this epistle . The verb , however ( εντιγχανω ) , occurs in Acts xxv . 4. Rom . viii . 27. 34 ; xi . 2 ... in author- it is right and proper also that we ity . ' When the prayer is prescribed , do they not do this as a ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... Pius IX .; the picture over the altar , and the decorations around , being per- fectly in keeping with Fabris's monu ... IV . ( 1429 ) , for the monks of partments of the Sibyls . In the St. Jerome ( Girolamini ) . Originally in ...
inauthor: pope Pius IV von
... of the Huguenots . Engl . Hist . Review , iv , London . 1889 . Berriat Saint - Prix , J. Histoire du droit romain ... Paul's ) . The Essays of Montaigne . In Oxford Essays . London . 1857. Reprinted in author's Miscellaneous Essays . London .