... Reformed Protestant Dutch Church at Owasco Lake , New York , on Thursday , November 3 , Lieutenant A. J , ALEXANDER ... in author of " Among the Pines . " 12mo . , cloth . $ 1 50 NEARER AND DEARER . - A charming and amusing love ...
... Church Extension and the Board of Negro Evangelization and Education , for ... Protestant Church reports total receipts for the past year as $ 15,806 ... Reformed Synod of the South reports no debt , and the receipts for the year ...
... in author- His home was in Chicago . He remained in One dollar a year ... us by postal card . The ADVOCATE is sent to subscribers until ordered ... Dutch Reformed church is building up a fund of $ 250,000 for the benefit of ...
... U. S. See SQUID . Cutty - stool [ Scottish , cutty or kittie , a woman of ... church at Trenton , N. J .; then pastor of the Marat Street Reformed church ... Protestant- ism , Aug. 23 , 1769. His father was an officer in a French ...
Mit seinem philosophischen Hauptwerk, der "Theorie der ethischen Gefühle", legte Adam Smith den Grundstein für die Ausbildung einer Moralphilosophie, die sich ausdrücklich auf die Ideen der Sympathie und der Solidargemeinschaft beruft.