Article: Rousseau, Godwin, and Wordsworth "The Longer I Live the More My Mind Dwells Upon the Beauty and the Wonder of the World.." by George McLean Harper.
[Info] Harper, George McLean, 1863-1947, ed.: President Wilson's Addresses (New York: Henry Holt and Company, c1918), by Woodrow Wilson (Gutenberg text) · [Info] ...
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Essays about Wordsworthian scholar George McLean Harper and his work on William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Damp stain along spine and bottoms of ...
George McLean Harper was a writer and educator in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The collection consists of papers and manuscripts ...
Wordsworth's French Daughter by George McLean Harper and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at
Harper to the Princeton University Library, comprise a sizeable por tion of Professor Harper's notes, manuscripts, publications, and correspondence. These ...
Looking for books by George McLean Harper? See all books authored by George McLean Harper, including Wordsworth's French Daughter; the Story of her Birth, ...
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18.10.2024 · American Wordsworth scholar.
Harper, George McLean, 1863-1947. Collection: Wordsworth Collection; Publication: Princeton, N.J., Princeton university press; [etc., etc.] 1920. Format ...