... University of Iowa , Catalogues Number 1935-1936 , 276-77 , 278-79 , 1936-1937 , 291 , 293-94 ; College of Law ... Cameron , McCarthy . 39. Report of the Dean for the Academic Year Ending June 30 , 1938 , 2 ; WR to Wil- liam G ...
... McCarthy ( Cam- bridge : MIT Press , 1990 ) . For discussion of these ideas in the controversies over recent American pragmatism , see James T. Kloppenberg , " Pragmatism : An Old Name for Some New Ways of Thinking ? " Journal of ...
Peter Bürger sucht in seiner »Theorie der Avantgarde« nach Antworten auf diese und viele daran anschließende Fragen. Im Kern geht es dabei immer um die Bedeutung des Kunstwerks und der Kunst im Allgemeinen für die moderne Gesellschaft.
... (Cameron) Lively, Emma Los Angeles Herald Examiner Love in the DMZ (Cameron) love letters lowering the bar luck Luther, Martin McCarthy ... in author's use of dailiness of writing daily quota of. See daily quota discipline of grabbing ...
... . Wolfe , Gregory . 1985. “ Introduction . ” In The Conservative Affirmation in Amer- ica , by Willmoore Kendall . Chicago : Gateway Editions . Contributors KENNETH L. DEUTSCH is professor of political science at 202 Daniel McCarthy.
... McCarthy supporter in the presidential cam- paign ; and soon after receiving a draft notice , reluctantly en- tered ... in author O'Brien's life - except that he does not have a daughter and he was wounded only once . Furthermore ...
In Reisen mit mir und einem Anderen erzählt sie von ihren "Fünf Höllenfahrten", den Reisen, die - oftmals geplant als Entdeckungstouren entlang der eigenen Neugier - sich bald als schaurige Schreckensreisen erweisen.
... McCarthy Campylobacter spp . - related gastroenteritis in diners at a catering college restaurant was associated ... cam- pylobacteriosis outbreaks during 1992-1994 ( 1 ) and 50 during 1995-1999 ( 2 ) accounted for 0.2 % and 0.4 ...
... In Author , Out of my later years ( pp . 59–96 ) . Secaucus , NJ : Citadel . ( Originally published in 1936 ) ... McCarthy , Louder than words : A mother's journey in healing autism . New York : Dutton . Feldman , R. ( 2007 ) ...