Geboren: 19. März 1790, Boston, Massachusetts
Verstorben: 28. Juni 1847, Guangzhou, China
Großelternteil: Ebenezer Everett
Urgroßelternteil: John Everett
Neffen: William Everett, Edward Brooks Everett und Henry Sidney Everett
Nichten: Charlotte Brooks Everett, Grace Webster Everett und Anne Gorham Everett
Bücher: A Discourse on the Progress and Limits of Social Improvement: Including a General Survey of the History of Civilization, La correspondance entre Domingo Del Monte et Alexander Hill Everett, A Defence of the Character and Principles of Mr. Jefferson: Being an Address Delivered at Weymouth, Mass. at the Request of the Anti-Masonic and Democratic Citizens of that Place, on the 4th of July, 1836 und mehr