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Stanley Mosk von
Hill denies endorsing Stanley Mosk. Sheriff William Hill today de- nied " ,hat hp he ha<. haS g'Ven .,„„„ hls . nn en. Ud been Bob Kerr, now a sena-'dorsement to Attorney General lor from Oklahoma. Stanley Mosk. The poem "The Bridge ...
Stanley Mosk von
... Mosk Mosk to to the the Slale Slale Supreme Supreme Mosk-s Mosk-s sa]ary sa]ary _ $32.000 - re ,.i inri-jw in a ... Stanley Mosk has given am- afler 25 years on lhe courl — 24'p]e proof lo the bench, the bar. land lhe people of this ...
Stanley Mosk von
... Stanley Mosk said last night at a dinner in his honor at the Oxnard Elks Lodge. "Nixon and my opponent < Republican Judge Tom Coakley) arc saying that law enforcement is breaking down," Mr. Mosk said. This criticism reflects on the ...
Stanley Mosk von
... Stanley Mosk announced today that he will seek a new 12-year term on the court in November Mosk. 73. dean of the court and one of the nation's most prominent state judges, has until Friday to file for the November election, when five ...
Stanley Mosk von
JUDGE STANLEY MOSK TO SPEAK Local Golf Team IN SONORA MONDAY EVENING To Appear On TV. 'J. Max Robertson, Tuolumne county campadgn, chairman for Judge Stanley Mosk, Democratic candidate for Attomey-Gen- eral of California, announces that ...
Stanley Mosk von
Mosk cites gains in police devices. California Atty. Gen. Stanley Mosk said in Ventura last night the state is developing fantastic new law enforcement devices "to keep up with the latest tech-. niques of He cited the Frank Sinatra Jr ...
Stanley Mosk von
Women, Minorities Seek Investigation of Mosk. SACRAMENTO (AP) Minority and women's groups are calling for an investigation of state Supreme Court Justice Stanley Mosk, who proposed banning preferences for minorities and women. At a news ...
Stanley Mosk von
... Stanley Mosk predicts. No one has been executed in California since 1967, when punishment by death was banned in the state. But the death penalty was reinstated by lawmakers in 1977 and confirmed by voter initiative in 1978. Mosk ...
Stanley Mosk von
... Stanley Mosk. he said, hut "to!* of °ur legislation dealing for illegal sale and addition of!rockft leal<Ki ouf' the Alr Force1 lesser" degree." In addition, hei*^ the narcotics traffic" the offense of illegally transport- m ...
Stanley Mosk von
STANLEY MOSK fRITIs A LA. i p/MAll If fcfcwiwn fcfcwiwn If nil IN. SANT FRANCISCO, 30 de Junio (IPD Las resoluciones apro- badas por la Convencidn de la LegiAn Americana de California suenan "como si fueran es- critas por la Sociedad John ...