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Stanley Mosk von
This is the first biography of Stanley Mosk (1912-2001), iconic protector of civil rights and civil liberties during his 37 years as a justice of the Supreme Court of California (1964 to 2001).
Stanley Mosk von
... Stanley Mosk , sometime in 1959. He had been introduced to Mosk at Hillcrest by Billy Eckstine , and he later spelled out his problems with the PGA in a letter to the attorney general . " He merely asked me to help him , " Mosk said ...
Stanley Mosk von
A compendium of the thoughts of former leaders.
Stanley Mosk von
... Stanley Mosk . He had been elected attorney general , the state's pri- mary law enforcement officer , in the Democratic sweep of 1958. Previously , he'd been a superior court judge in Los Angeles . Mosk , who had been born in Texas and ...
Stanley Mosk von
... Stanley Mosk . Though a committed liberal , Mosk was close to Clark . They came to agreement on a number of cases . They became such close friends that Mosk later offered an extraordinary gesture to this man on the opposite side of the ...
Stanley Mosk von
... Stanley Mosk , to submit a report on the John Birch Society . It came out in July and was excerpted in the New York Times Magazine in August . Mosk reported that Birchers defined Communism as “ any idea differing from their own , " that ...
Stanley Mosk von
... Mosk made the following statement to the Senate committee : I shall make this statement , not as attorney general of California , which is an office which I hold by vote of the people for a limited term , but as Stanley Mosk . If the ...
Stanley Mosk von
... Stanley Mosk charged KuCHEL with having voted in the Senate last summer for the Jenner - Butler bill , which he described as intended to strip the Supreme Court of some of its authority . ( The bill would have for- bidden the Court to ...
Stanley Mosk von
... Stanley Mosk , attorney general of the State of California .. 2708 * 15 . Report , " Narcotics in California : A Program Review , " submitted by Stanley Mosk .. 2708 State of California , submitted by Stanley Mosk . * 16 . Report of ...
Stanley Mosk von
... Stanley Mosk was made one Olson secretary ; and I understand that Charles Page was rewarded by Patterson . A number of others were placed in positions by the State administration , but I do not remember their names . Mr. STEDMAN . Are ...