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Osiris von
Gwyn Griffiths -- Addenda /J. Gwyn Griffiths -- Bibliography /J. Gwyn Griffiths -- Index of Texts Cited /J. Gwyn Griffiths -- General Index /J. Gwyn Griffiths -- Linguistic Indices /J. Gwyn Griffiths.
Osiris von
Rev. and enl. ed. of: The origins of Osiris. 1966. (Mèunchner èagyptologische Studien; 9)
Osiris von
Bojana Mojsov tells the story of the cult of Osiris from beginning to end, sketching its development throughout 3,000 years of Egyptian history.
Osiris von
An important aim of the book is to investigate when and why such changes happened, treating religious belief as a dynamic rather than a static phenomenon and tracing the key stages in the development of these aspirations, from their origin ...
Osiris von
An important aim of the book is to investigate when and why such changes happened, treating religious belief as a dynamic rather than a static phenomenon and tracing the key stages in the development of these aspirations, from their origin ...
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The last stronghold of civilization teeters on the edge of destruction in this “dystopian thriller with complex characterizations and a riveting main plot” (Publishers Weekly).
Osiris von
Vanessa Boecking wünscht sich nichts mehr, als Leser/innen mit Ideen in ihre Phantasiewelt eintauchen zu lassen, mit auf Abenteuerreisen zu nehmen, zum Nachdenken anzuregen oder die Phantasie anzuregen.