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Osiris von
... Osiris, 3-0. Jack Hunter (771 of Osiris defeated Foster Scott (78) of Newburgh, 2-1. Max Levy (83 1 of Newburgh Country Club defeated C. Daniel Finn (851 of Osiris, 2W-V2. Bob Cariffe (761 of Osiris defeated Eddie Mitchell (86) of ...
Osiris von
... Osiris Country Club fired low gross scores during an Osiris Women's Invitational Golf Tournament. Low net honors in the four classes were recorded by Ann McDermott Newburgh Country Club, Carmella Partlngton and Flo Grad of Osiris and ...
Osiris von
... Osiris, led the member-guest competition at Osiris Wednesday with a gross 78. She finished two shots in front of Lynda Kastelic, Osiris women's champion Gloria Bogle of Dutchess and Lorraine Lmton of Otterkill had 86s in Class A ...
Osiris von
... Osiris won the open flight of the Osiris Country Club member-guest golf tourney Sunday by finishing five shots In front of Bobby Kiernan of the Walden ... Osiris and Alan VanDerZee 129; Yozzo of Osiris and Bud. SpindlerofOtterkiH138.
Osiris von
... Osiris. 81- Joyce Bond, Stony Ford, 83; Lynda Kastellc. Osiris. 86: Dorthy Barnett. 89 Low net — Louise Dubaldi, Osiris. 84-22-62: Chris Kiernan, Stony Ford. 80-23-67; Helen Welsh. Osiris. 88-20-68; Dorothy Showier, Osiris, 91-20-71 ...
Osiris von
... Osiris, 94-21-73; Peg Christiansen. McCann, 96-22-74; Lois Bates. Osiris. 99-25-74; Jo Fichera, McCann, 94-19-75; Nini Clemente, Garrison, 99-18-81; Julie Rappleyea, Dutchess, 105-24-80. CLASSB. Low gross— Vivian Pelrovits, Dutchess ...
Osiris von
... Osiris, Ernie Kastelle,. Storm King, 139 Frank Bandiero, Osiris, Peter Sachs, Newburgh, 139 Milt Darrow, Osiris, Male Serlnsky, Otlerklll, Ml Carmen Duhaldl, Osiris, Ed Salnnlrle, Newburgh, 141 Mike Br.mnlng, Osiris, Dick Walra- ven ...
Osiris von
Osiris Golf Team Defeat! Liberty Club. The Osiris Country Club golf team scored Us fifth team match victory of the 1946 season yester day by whipping Liberty. 41-21H. Kovitz led the Osiris golf- with a five-above par 75. while White ...
Osiris von
... Osiris Country Club Wednesday. Chris Minnick of IBM won In Class B and Milly Terry of Osiris in Class C. The results;. Low Grosi — Mary Diana 13, Orange County. Second Low Croii — Louise Mimi 14. Osirli. Third Low Grojj - Barbara Spies ...
Osiris von
... Osiris Powlpton Club will feature its usual Saturday afternoon competition, this week the tournament being a match play against par. Osiris opens its competitive season on Sunday with an all inclusive intraclub team match led by Dick ...