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This volume interrogates the role of alterity in Ford's self-di scovery as an author, and subsequently, in hi s writing.
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Various art forms inscribe, program or perform the preference of relationship. In so doing, they put otherness high on their aesthetic agenda by caring about the cultural other, the other of gender, race, class or history.
bibliogroup:"Perfect present" von
Through its take on 'the humble', this volume attempts to reveal the depth and philosophical relevance of literature, its ethical and political dimension as well as its connection to life.
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Various art forms inscribe, program or perform the preference of relationship.
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"The present volume seeks to explore the implications of Woolf's contemporaneity in ternis of her own era and of ours.
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When Jim Baker begins to understand the language of birds, he listens in to the stories of blue jays, and shares some of their antics.